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Grailblazers Tom Holt Page 2

  Boamund would have enquired further, but Toenail turned the oxy-acetylene back on and so he was rather too tied up with blind fear to pursue the matter. At one stage he felt sure that the terrible white-blue flame had gone clean through his arm.

  `Try that,' Toenail said.



  Boamund made a further noise, rather harder to reproduce in syllabic form but indicative of terror. `Don't worry about it,' said the dwarf. `Just count yourself lucky I didn't think to bring the laser.'

  `What's a . . .?'

  `Forget it. You can move your arms now, if you like.'

  For a moment, Boamund felt that this was a black lie; and then he found he could. Then one and a half millenniums' worth of pins and needles began to catch up with him, and he screamed.

  `Good sign, that,' Toenail shouted above the noise, `shows the old blood's beginning to circulate again. You'll be up and about in no time, mark my words.'

  `And the first thing I'll do,' Boamund yelled at him, `I'll take that oxy thing and...'

  Toenail grinned and went to work with the torch on Boamund's leg-armour. Wisely, Boamund decided not to watch.

  `Anyway,' Toenail said as he guided the terrible flame, `I bet that what you're dying to ask me is, Why was I put to sleep for fifteen hundred years in a cave with all my armour on? I'm right, aren't I?'


  `Well,' said the dwarf, `oops, sorry, lost my concentration there for a minute. The armour was a mistake, I reckon, personally. Sit slapdash by old Toenail the First, if you ask me.' The dwarf grinned pleasantly. `The actual goingto-sleep bit, though, that was your destiny.'


  `Butterfingers,' muttered the dwarf. `Sorry. The way I heard it, anyway, you're destined to be this, like, great hero or something. Like the old legends, you know, Alfred the Great, Sir Francis Drake-'

  'After your time, I suppose. Like the great national hero who is not dead but only sleeping and will come again when his country needs him, that sort of thing.'

  `Like Anbilant de Ganes?' Boamund suggested. `Or Sir Persiflant the-'

  `Sir Persiflant the Grey,' said Boamund wretchedly. `You must have heard of him, he was supposed to be asleep under Suilven Crag, and if ever the King of Benwick sets foot on Albion soil, he'll come again and...'

  Toenail grinned and shook his head. `Sorry, old son,' he said. `Guess he forgot to set the alarm. Anyway, you get the idea. That's you.'


  `You. Not,' Toenail admitted, `that there's much going on just at the moment. I mean, they say on the telly that unless someone does something about interest rates pretty soon it's going to mean curtains for small businesses up and down the country, but that's not really your line of work, I wouldn't have thought. Maybe you're going to do something about standards in primary school education. That it, you reckon?'

  `What's a school?'

  `Maybe not,' said Toenail. `What else could it be?' He paused. `You're not a fast left-arm bowler, by any chance?'

  `What's a . . .?F

  'Pity, we could really do with one of those. Anyway, whatever it is we need, apparently you're it. Try your feet.'


  `Champion,' Toenail said. `We'll give it a minute, and then you can try getting up.'

  Boamund shifted slightly and discovered that he'd spent the last fifteen hundred years lying on a small but jagged stone. `Ow,' he said.

  Toenail was packing tools away in a small canvas bag. `I'll say this,' he said, `they made stuff to last in those days. Fifteen-hundred-year-old steel, eh?' He picked up a massive armguard and poked his finger through it. `Should be in a museum or something, by rights. There's probably people who'd pay good money...'

  Boamund gave up the effort and lay back, wondering if you could die of pins and needles. Outside there was a noise; it had been there a while but he now perceived it for the first

  time. A low, ominous growling, like an animal - no, like a huge swarm of bees. Only these bees would have to be eight feet long to make a noise like that.

  Toenail grinned at him.

  `What you can hear,' he said, `is the M62. Don't worry about it.'

  `Is it safe?'

  Toenail considered. `Depends,' he said. `But as far as you're concerned right now, yes. Try standing up.'

  He reached out a hand and Boamund grabbed it. A moment later he was putting his weight on his fifteenhundred-year-old shoes. Oddly enough, they were fine. A spot of polish wouldn't hurt, mind.

  `My clothes,' said Boamund. `Why aren't they . . .?'

  `Enchanted,' Toenail replied. `Keeps them all nice and fresh. Come on, we're running late as it is.'

  Boamund followed Toenail to the door of the cave, looked out, and screamed.

  A year or so back, a television producer, one Danny Bennett, made a documentary which implied that the poet T .S. Eliot was murdered by the CIA.

  According to Bennett's hypothesis, Eliot was killed because he had, quite by accident, stumbled upon highly secret metaphysical data which the Pentagon was in the process of developing for military use. Not aware of what he had done, Eliot published his findings in the Four Quartets; twenty-nine years later, he was dead, yet another victim of the Men in Grey Suits.

  According to Bennett, the fatal lines were:

  Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future

  and Bennett's argument was that this was taken by the nasty men to be an expose of the strange things that people seem

  to get up to in the parts of ancient monuments and historic houses which are never open to the public.

  Take, Bennett said, Hampton Court Palace, or Anne Hathaway's cottage. More than half of the rooms in these jewels of England's heritage are permanently shut. Why? Is it, as the Government would have us believe, simply because there isn't the money to maintain them and pay attendants? Or is there a more sinister explanation? Could it be that top secret experimental research into the nature of time itself is being carried out behind the nail-studded doors - research that, the nasty men hope, will lead to the perfection of a super-weapon that will allow NATO forces to zap back across the centuries, assassinate Lenin, and so prevent the storming of the Winter Palace? And was it his unfortunately ambiguous statement in the opening lines of `Burnt Norton' that signed Thomas Stearns Eliot's death warrant?

  Shortly after completing the filming of the documentary, Bennett was promoted sideways and appointed to be the new head of BBC local radio on Martinmas Island, a small coral reef three thousand miles due east of Sydney. Interpretations of this outcome differ; Bennett, on his mid-morning phonein Good Morning, Martinmas, has proposed the view that he has been muzzled, and this only goes to prove that he was absolutely right. The BBC, on the other hand, say that he was posted there because he had finally, irrevocably, fallen out of his tree, and although the next three years were likely to be tough going for the two marine biologists and six thousand penguins who inhabit Martinmas, short of having the wretched fellow put down there wasn't much else they could do.

  Oddly enough, and by the purest coincidence, there is something extremely fishy about the back rooms of ancient monuments. These areas are used, as one would expect, for administration, storage and similar purposes; but nobody as yet has come up with a satisfactory (or at least comfortable) explanation for the fact that, when the staff come in every morning, they tend to find that someone's been using the typewriters and the kettles are warm.

  `That's it?' Boamund said.

  `Basically, yes,' the hermit replied.* `I've left out Helmut von Moltke and the Peace of Nikolsburg, and maybe I skated over the Benelux customs union a hit, but I think you've got the essentials there. Anything you're not sure about, you can look up in the book.'

  Boamund shrugged. He had learnt that, in the one and a half thousand years he'd been asleep, Albion had indeed changed its name and they'd invented a few labour-saving gadgets, but basically things were very much the same. In fact, to be absolutely hones
t, they were worse. He was disappointed.

  `My dad used to tell me,' he said, `that by the time I was grown up, mankind would have grown a third arm it could use to scratch the small of its back.'

  The hermit smiled, a tight-lipped, well-there-it-is-and-it'stoo-late-now sort of smile, shrugged, and examined the crumpet on the end of his toasting fork. Outside in the street, small children rode up and down on bicycles and smacked the heads off flowers with plastic swords.

  `I know,' agreed the hermit sadly. `We've tried, God only knows, but people just won't listen. You try and guide them in the right direction, and what do you get? Apathy. You drop heavy hints to them about harnessing the power of the sun, the wind and the lightning and they go and invent the vacuum cleaner. Nobody's the slightest bit interested in mainstream technology any more.'

  Boamund looked sympathetic. `It must be hard for you,' he said.

  *He was short, round, fiftyish; and Boamund had an uncanny feeling that his beard was stuck on with spirit gum.

  `Not really,' said the hermit. `I get by more or less. It's not like the old times, but as far as I'm concerned, the main thing is to try and blend into the landscape, as it were, and bide my time.'

  `Bide your time until when?'

  `I'm coming to that,' said the hermit. The insubstantial red glow had burnt the crumpet, and the hermit impatiently dismissed them both and opened a packet of biscuits instead. `Have one?' he asked. `You must be starving after all this time.'

  `Thank you,' Boamund said, and took a mouthful of Rich Tea. A moment later, he made a face, spat out a mouthful of crumbs and coughed.

  The hermit apologised. `I should have warned you,' he said. `It's organic, I'm afraid. Made from ground-up grass seeds and processed sugar-beet, would you believe. The art of synthesising food was lost centuries ago. You get used to it after a while, but it still tastes like eating your way through somebody's compost heap. Here, have a doughnut.'

  A doughnut appeared on the arm of Boamund's chair and he ate it thankfully. With his mouth full, he asked, `So how do you manage it? Blending into the landscape, I mean?'

  `Simple,' replied the hermit, `I pretend to repair televisions. You won't credit it, but this country is full of little old men with their elbows showing through the sleeves of their cardigans who make a living mending televisions.'

  Boamund considered. `Those are the little box things with pictures in them?'

  The hermit nodded. `I've been here forty years now,' said the hermit, `and nobody's taken the slightest notice of what I do. If anyone hears strange noises or sees flashing green lights late at night, the neighbours say, `Oh him, he mends televisions,' and that seems to satisfy them. I imagine that, since they expect you to work miracles, they aren't too bothered if you do. In fact, I do it so well that some of them bring them back afterwards and complain that they still aren't right, even when I've hexed the drafted things so hard they'd withstand a nuclear attack.'

  `That sounds like a really good cover,' Boamund said. `Actually, while I'm here, I'll get you just to have a quick look at my astrolabe. I think it's the bearings.'

  The hermit ignored him. `I'm fortunate, of course,' he continued, `in still having a dwarf.'

  `You mean Toenail?'

  `That's right. They're getting a bit thin on the ground, dwarves, though it's not as bad as it was. I think it was the free milk they used to give out to schoolchildren. Plays havoc with calcium deficiency, milk.' The hermit frowned. `I'm drifting off the point a bit, aren't I? You and your destiny, all that sort of thing. I expect you want to know what your destiny actually is. Well...'

  `Atishoo!', Boamund said.

  `I beg your pardon?'

  Boamund explained that he'd just spent the last fifteen hundred years in a draught. `Sorry,' he said, `you were saying . . .'

  `What you've got to do,' said the hermit, `is go to Ventcaster-on-Ouse and discover the Holy Grail.'

  Boamund thought for a moment.

  The curriculum of chivalry is selective. It consists of, in modern terms, A-level heraldry, genealogy, religious instruction and falconry, horsemanship and weapon-handling to degree level, and the option of postgraduate studies in either mysticism or dalliance. Essential as all these disciplines are to the profession of arms, none of them tends to stimulate the rational faculties. If you can't kill it, hit people with it or worship it, then as far as chivalry is concerned it clearly can't be all that important. To set a knight thinking, therefore, a proposition has to be fairly startling.

  `If you know it's in Ventcaster-on-Ouse,' said Boamund carefully, `how come you need me to go and look for it? Couldn't you just send a dwarf to fetch it or something?'

  The hermit smiled kindly. `Sorry,' he said, `perhaps I could have put that better. I'm not saying the Grail is in Ventcaster. In fact, it's a pretty safe bet that that's one place on earth that the Grail isn't. But if you're going to look for it, going to Ventcaster is an essential preliminary step, because that's where the rest of the Grail Knights are. They need a new Grand Master. That's you.' He paused. `Better?' he asked.

  Boamund nodded. He was still thinking. `Yes,' he said, `that's fine. But why me, what's a Grail and why?'

  Maybe the hermit smiled again, or maybe it was the original smile winched up another eighth of an inch.

  `When the powers that be decided that Albion was finally going into Europe and we had to start changing over to continental ways,' said the hermit with obvious distaste, `a few of the more far-sighted of us reckoned that it would be a good idea to ... how shall I put it? We salted away a few essential personnel - knights and hermits and sages and the like - just in case. They had to be fairly low status, or else they'd have been missed, but with potential nevertheless. You were one of them.'

  `Oh,' Boamund said.

  `What you might call low-flying high-flyers,' the hermit explained. `Bright lights under heavy bushels. Anyway, from time to time, when we need you, we wake you up. The Grail Knights have just lost their leader, and so. . .'


  `Not exactly,' said the hermit, sourly. `He left the Order to start a window-cleaning round in Leamington Spa. So, of course, we need a replacement. It's a good posting,' the hermit added, as Boamund gave him a look you could have broken up with a hammer and put in a gin and tonic. `Grade C status, company horse, makes you eligible for the pension scheme.'

  `That reminds me,' Boamund started to say, but the hermit frowned at him.

  `Also,' he went on, `actually finding the Grail immediately qualifies you for a place in Avalon, remission of sins and a legend. If I was a bright, ambitious young knight wanting to make my mark, I'd jump at it.'

  Boamund looked at him.

  `And,' the hermit continued, `if you don't I'll send you back to sleep until you do. Right?'

  `Right,' said Boamund.

  `Splendid,' said the hermit. `Toenail!'

  The dwarf-flap in the living-room door pushed open and Toenail appeared. His arms were oily to the elbow and he was holding a spanner.

  `What?' he said.

  The hermit frowned. `Are you fiddling about with that motorbike again?' he asked.

  Toenail looked shiftily up over the footstool. `What if I am?' he said.

  The hermit gave him a despairing look. `Why, that's what I want to know,' he said. `If the wretched thing doesn't work, then I'll hex it for you, and then perhaps we won't have so many oily fingerprints on the tea-towels.'

  The dwarf scowled. `You leave my bike alone,' he replied. `I'm a dwarf, fixing things is in our blood.'

  `Putting new washers on taps isn't,' replied the hermit pointedly. `I was soaked to the skin, that time you-'

  `That's plumbing,' replied the dwarf. `If you want plumbing done, call a plumber. Anyway, what can I do you for?'

  The hermit sighed, and stared the oily footprints out of the carpet. `Sir Boamund will be needing some new armour,' he said, `and a sword and a shield and all that sort of thing. Have a look in the cupboard under the stairs, see what
we've got.'

  `Ah,' said the dwarf. `Now you're talking.' He bowed and hurried away.

  `He's a good sort, really,' said the hermit. `I just wish he wouldn't keep trying to put a saddle on the cat and ride it round the house. It doesn't like it, you know.' The hermit got up, shook Boamund by the hand and clapped him on the

  shoulder. `Anyway,' he said, `best of luck, pop in after you've found the Grail, tell me how you've got on.'

  Boamund nodded. Chivalry is like that; one minute you're sitting under a tree, chewing a blade of grass and dreaming of nothing in particular, and the next you're in the middle of some peculiar chain of adventures, which may end up with you marrying the king's eldest daughter but is just as likely to end up with you getting knocked off your horse and breaking your neck. You learn to go with the flow in chivalry. In that respect at least, it's a bit like selling door to door.

  `Bye, then,' Boamund said. `I'll leave the astrolabe with you, just in case you've got a moment to look at it.'

  `Yes indeed,' said the hermit. He was gradually sinking into a pool of blue light, drifting away into the heart of the great Glass Mountain. A pair of carpet slippers crackled suddenly into flame, and then there. was nothing left but an empty chair. Boamund turned to go.

  `Oh yes, I forgot to mention,' whispered a faint voice. `Whatever else you do, make absolutely sure you don't go near the . . .'

  `Sorry?' Boamund asked. He waited for three minutes, but all he heard were the chimes of an ice-cream van, far away in the distance.

  `What's this?' Boamund asked, puzzled.

  Toenail sighed. He had this feeling that Boamund was going to turn out to be a difficult bugger, and resolved to do his best to be patient. Unfortunately, patience isn't one of the Three Dwarfish Virtues*.

  `It's a zip,' Toenail replied. `Look, it does up.'

  `Does up what?'

  `Does up like this.'


  *Honesty, manual dexterity and, would you believe it, dental hygiene.

  Toenail sighed. `It's sort of instead of a codpiece,' he explained. `You'll get used to it.'

  Boamund rubbed himself painfully, and muttered words to the effect that he thought it was a bloody silly way of going about things. Toenail smiled brightly and handed him the helmet.